showing 1 game

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Puzzle American Video Entertainment;Milmar Indústria;Gluk (Idea-Tek)1990This is videogame versions of those sliding puzzles that once wasted kids' time and allowance money before videogames took over these tasks. This version is more expensive but it won't break as easily. Instead of having a 'missing tile' to leave room for sliding, their are extra spaces added outside the puzzle boundaries. Each of the 10 levels has a different picture divided into 12 to 36 randomly placed tiles. Each picture has a different time limit. You are shown the solved picture initially and have 5 additional chances to view the solution (the hearts/health bar record these) during the game. Their's also a Rock-Paper-Scissors minigame to interrupt the puzzle solving. It incurs a time penalty. If you win, you can select any two pieces on the board and exchange their position.

Rock-Paper-Scissors minigame:
The game takes place in a stadium full of people.
Rock wins by smashing scissors.
Scissors wins by cutting paper.
Paper wins by covering rock.
Dice roll wins by rolling a higher number
In case of ties, the game is played again.
The loser gets their clothes ripped off. no, I'm not joking (see screenshots).

The more tiles that are properly placed, the more difficult it is to maneuver the misplaced tiles around them. So place the tiles farthest away from the extra spaces first, leaving the extra spaces more accessible to maneuver the final misplaced pieces.[spoiler=Minigame without a penalty;close]If you have less than a minute left to solve the puzzle, the minigame will not deduct a time penalty. Just play until you win and quickly place all the misplaced tiles[/spoiler]

D-Pad, Move your hand/cursor to an adjacent square.
A, Grab/Select a tile for moving. The hand will flash when its holding a tile. When you move the tile, it will automatically be dropped. Or press A again to drop the tile without moving it.
A, Also used to trigger the computer's roll, then again to trigger it's choice, in the Rock-Paper-Scissors minigame. After winning the minigame, move the 1st hand and grab the first piece, then more the second hand and grab the second piece.
B, Start the Rock-Paper-Scissors minigame. OR Leave the minigame.
Select, view the solved picture again.
Select, In the minigame, this selects Rock, Paper, Scissors, or Dice
Select, Toggle the music option on the title screen
Start, for starting and pausing the game.